Why Do I Need Social Media Training
When it comes to your cybersecurity training, you should understand that no worry is too small. Take any and all threats seriously, and this is especially true for things you might take for granted. For example – Are you aware of just how dangerous social media is? When your employees take their phones into the workplace, are you aware of what they’re sharing? There are potential security hazards in every workplace, revealing these online can create huge problems. The biggest problem is most of these leaks are unintentional.
Sometimes, an employee may think they provide a candid, charming look at their day-to-day. As a result, they may take pictures of the company logo wherever they see it, wherever it may be. In this article, we’ll cover some of the unknown dangers of social media posting and why you should train for it.
The Medical Fields is Full of Security Needs
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were security breaches every day. Are you aware of some of the biggest places? It’s the COVID-19 vaccination card. People got excited about the shot that gave them the freedom to go where they pleased and shared the news. They also shared their full name, birthday, location of immunization, and more. Even the images themselves may have information such as the exact time of photography and camera used. It would be easy to track a person down with this much information.
Additionally, employees in the medical profession should never share photos with ID badges or security bracelets. These can contain sensitive identifying information, even if encoded in a barcode or QR code.
Your Desk Could be a Minefield
Our workspaces are very personal places. We make them little bits of home and bring ourselves into them. It’s natural to want to share these and thus share a bit of ourselves. Your desk, however, could have sensitive information—things like the names of new, secret products, scheduling information, login credentials, and more. There is a potential to share very private things with the whole world. Be especially aware of notes, whiteboards, and any electronic screen in a photo.
The Trouble With Complaints
In recent years financial institutions have become a large part of the social media landscape. These companies seek to reach out to customers, and their employees are often happy to share. However, as social media pages are personal, many people use them to air grievances. On social media, employees are often seen as spokespeople for companies. Imagine what it might do to customer confidence if you complain about your own software! Worse, it can give attackers a clue on how to access your systems.
Start Social Media Training Today
It can be hard to react to threats because it’s so hard to keep track of everything your employees do on social media. After all, how is your employee supposed to know that their morning selfie gave away trade secrets? They aren’t. It’s your job to make sure they’re educated about the threats social media can pose to security. You can learn more about the kinds of threats social media and email can pose on our website.
More importantly, we can help set up social media policies and build a training program for you. This is a threat everyone should be aware of and take seriously. Arruda Group will help teach your employees how serious it is. So give us a call today.